Purveyors of the worlds finest Cigars & Tobacco
New World cigars refer to cigars produced outside of the traditional cigar-producing regions of Cuba, such as the Dominican Republic, Honduras, Nicaragua, Ecuador, and other countries. These regions have gained recognition for their ability to produce high-quality cigars that rival those from Cuba.
27 products
The Gurkha Ghost Gold Shadow Robusto Cigar, a meticulously crafted blend featuring an Ecuadorian Habano wrapper, Criollo binder, and a fusion of fillers from Dominica, Nicaragua, and the U.S.A. Gurkha was reimagined in 1989 and has been producing exceptional handcrafted cigars ever since.
Length: 5" | Ring Gauge: 52 | Vitola:...
Made using the finest tobaccos grown in Honduras. This cigar offers medium strength with a spicy yet hinted with a sweet taste, simply flavoursome.
Length: 5" | Ring Gauge: 50 | Strength: Medium
Smoke Time: 35 Minutes | Origin: Honduran
The Quorum Classic Robusto is a type of cigar known for its robust flavour profile and sturdy construction. It typically features a medium to full-bodied blend of tobaccos, offering a rich and complex smoking experience.
Length: 4 1/4" | Ring Gauge: 50 | Strength: Medium
Smoke Time: 60 Minutes | Origin:...
The Quorum Maduro Robusto is a cigar known for its rich flavour profile and smooth smoking experience. The Robusto size typically measures around 5 inches in length with a ring gauge of 50, making it a popular choice for cigar enthusiasts who enjoy a medium-bodied smoke.
Length: 4 3/4" | Ring Gauge: 50 | Strength:...
The Gurkha Ghost Gold Shadow Robusto Cigar, a meticulously crafted blend featuring an Ecuadorian Habano wrapper, Criollo binder, and a fusion of fillers from Dominica, Nicaragua, and the U.S.A. Gurkha was reimagined in 1989 and has been producing exceptional handcrafted cigars ever since.
Length: 5" | Ring Gauge: 52 | Vitola:...
Length: 5" | Ring Gauge: 50 | Strength: Light - Medium
Smoke Time: 45 Minutes | Origin: Dominican
Length: 3 1/2" | Ring Gauge: 20 | Strength: Medium
Smoke Time: 15 Minutes | Origin: Nicaraguan
Length: 4” | Ring gauge: 38 | Strength: Mild Aromatic cigars
Leon Jimenes are handmade by the La Aurora factory, the oldest cigar makers in the Dominican Republic.
Length: 4” | Ring gauge: 38 | Strength: Mild Aromatic cigars
Leon Jimenes are handmade by the La Aurora factory, the oldest cigar makers in the Dominican Republic.
The Gurkha Treinta Robusto 30th Anniversary cigar is a special release commemorating three decades of excellence from the Gurkha brand.
Length: 5" | Ring Gauge: 52 | Strength: Light - Medium
Smoke Time: 50 Minutes | Origin: Dominican
Length: 5" | Ring Gauge: 52 | Strength: Light - Medium
Smoke Time: 50 Minutes
Length: 4 1/2" | Ring Gauge: 50 | Strength: Medium
Smoke Time: 40 Minutes | Origin: Nicaraguan